Hello St. Thomas Montessori families,

Many of you have asked: How can I help? The answer is you may donate or sponsor our event.


Please consider donating an item to be used in the Live and Silent Auction portions of the event. Email preschool@stccc.org  if you are interested.

  • This can include:
    • Use of a cabin or vacation home
    • Gift certificates (services, children’s museums, restaurants, retail, etc.)
    • Sporting event tickets
    • Concerts or performing arts event tickets
    • Fine wine or spirits
    • Home items
    • Electronics
    • Services- design, organizing, etc.
    • Jewelry
    • And more!

Staff Ticket Purchase Opportunity – Make a tax deductible donation to offset the cost for staff to attend. These donations will be used to subsidize the cost for the entire staff to attend and will not be allocated to particular staff members.  Any staff ticket donors will be publicly thanked in all digital promotional materials with their family name or business logo.


St. Thomas Platinum Sponsor – $ 5,000           

  • High visibility in all digital promotional materials
  • Gift Bag Item (approved by St.Thomas Montessori)
  • Printed Signage at the Event
  • The opportunity to promote business, distribute brochures and have information at a raffle table
  • 4 VIP Seating Event Tickets

Mother Teresa Gold Sponsor – $2,500                  

  • Visibility in all digital promotional materials
  • Gift Bag Item (approved by St.Thomas Montessori)
  • 2 VIP Seating Event Tickets

St. Jean Baptist Silver Sponsor – $1,000                 

  • Inclusion in all digital promotional materials
  • Gift Bag Item (approved by St. Thomas Montessori)

St. Nicholas Bronze Sponsor – $500                 

  • Inclusion in all digital promotional materials
  • Gift Bag Item (approved by St. Thomas Montessori)

Please register below for a sponsorship level or to buy a staff a ticket or even both.  God Bless